As a partner of ABB and YASKAWA, Squadron Motion opts for cobots and robots linked to industrial robot controllers. These 'teach pendants' make programming and operating an industrial robot much easier and enable operators to set and monitor movements, tasks and functions of the robot. In both our cobots and robots, the controls are identical, so you can start using your operators flexibly. The software package you need to control the installation in turn depends on the pieces to be processed:
SQ Robot Programming Software is the perfect software solution for editing product families. Product families are pieces that differ in properties but between which a logical connection can be made, such as windows or doors, all kinds of beams or even means of transport. A welding programme is written and started automatically on the basis of product properties, without the intervention of a programmer. No additional burden is placed on the operator either, as the system automatically offers the right programmes. This system is ideal for product families with many variations that are produced single-piece.
OCTOPUZ is an offline simulation software that allows you to control multiple brands of robots from the same package. This software is mainly of interest when you own robots of multiple brands and proves its usefulness with a wide variety of pieces. OCTOPUZ is compatible with welding robots from ABB and YASKAWA, CLOOS, FANUC and Panasonic welding robots.
Robotstudio is the dedicated programming and simulation environment for ABB robots. This software is interesting if you only want to control ABB brand robots and if there is a large variety of pieces. The advantage of this solution is that you can test the programme you create directly on a virtual robot controller.
MotoSim is the dedicated programming and simulation environment for YASKAWA robots. This software is interesting if you only want to control YASKAWA brand robots and if there is a large variety of pieces. Here too, you can test the programme directly on a virtual robot controller.
Contact us and schedule a demo!